Insight Iraq

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Talks to resume oil exports from northern Iraq are progressing

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, said that progress has been made in talks with officials from the Kurdistan region of Iraq and representatives of international oil firms regarding an agreement to resume oil exports to…

Baghdad, Erbil discuss resuming oil exports from northern Iraq

Baghdad ( – Iraqi officials in the oil sector met on Sunday with officials from Iraqi Kurdistan and representatives of oil companies to discuss the resumption of oil exports through a pipeline to the Turkish port of Ceyhan. Since March…

Iraq’s KRG employees to receive salaries via Trade Bank of Iraq

Baghdad ( – The Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) announced on Wednesday that government employees in Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) will receive their salaries through the bank. More than one million government employees in the KRG will enjoy digital…

Dana Gas resumes operation at Khor Mor gas field following drone strike

Baghdad ( – The UAE-based Dana Gas announced on Wednesday that it had resumed its operations at the Khor Mor gas field in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The UAE company mentioned that operations resumed following key measures taken by…

Dana Gas temporarily halts production at the Khor Mor gas field

Baghdad ( – Dana Gas announced on Sunday that it had temporarily halted production at its Khor Mor facility in the Kurdistan region of Iraq following a drone attack. The company clarified that one of the liquid storage tanks in…

Iraqi PM, Kurdistan President discuss common issues

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, discussed on Saturday common issues between Baghdad and Erbil with the President of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Nechirvan Barzani. Al-Sudani met with Barzani and his accompanying delegation in the…

US-Iraq Higher Coordinating Committee will meet next week

Baghdad ( – The spokesperson for the US Office of State, Matthew Miller, revealed on Monday that the future US-Iraq Bigger Coordinating Committee conference will be held following Monday. Miller claimed in the course of a push briefing that the…

Iraqi Kurdistan President confirms reaching agreement on oil exports

Baghdad ( – The President of the Kurdistan location of Iraq, Nechervan Barzani, confirmed on Saturday that an preliminary agreement experienced been arrived at on the oil problem, which is a single of the exceptional problems involving Baghdad and Erbil….

Al-Sudani receives President of Iraqi Kurdistan

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Primary Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, acquired on Saturday the President of the Kurdistan location of Iraq, Nechervan Barzani, and his accompanying delegation. Al-Sudani emphasized the dedication of the federal authorities to fulfill the needs and…

Iraqi FM reviews bilateral ties with US State Secretary

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Minister of International Affairs, Fuad Hussein, discussed on Tuesday prospective buyers for cooperation with the US Secretary of Point out, Antony Blinken, in Washington, D.C. as section of a collection of meetings held with senior US…