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Iraq Stock Market Report | Iraq Business News

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Rabee Securities Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) market report (week ending: 21st March 2024).

Please click here to view a table of listed companies and their associated ticker codes.

RSISX Index Change      
RSISX Index Closings Change (w/w) (%) Change (YTD) (%)
RSISX IQD Index 1,695.3 2.5% 9.1%
RSISX USD Index 1,666.9 2.5% 9.1%
ISX Market Summary of This Week
Trading Vol. (IQD mn)/d 20,312.2 # of Listed Companies on the ISX 105
Trading Vol. ($ mn)/d 15.4 # of Traded Companies 57
Traded Shares (mn)/d 14,973     # of Companies (Up) 23
Total Trades (#/d) 2,711     # of Companies (Down) 17
ISX Mcap (IQD bn) 19,426     # of Companies (Not changed) 17
ISX Mcap ($ mn) 14,717 # of Comp. Suspended from Trading (GA) 3
Market FX Rate*/
CBI Auction Price (IQD/$)**

/ 1310

# of Comp. Suspended from Trading (ISC) 2

*Selling price of the dollar from banks and non-bank financial institutions to the final beneficiary

**Selling price of the dollar by the CBI to the banks

Top 5 Gainers – Weekly
Company Names ISX Code Closing Price(IQD) Price Change (w/w) Price Chg. (YTD)
Iraqi for Seed Production AISP 9.500 13.1% -9.0%
International Islamic Bank (NRM) BINT 0.900 12.5% -65.4%
Al-Sadeer Hotel (UCM) HSAD 26.500 9.3% 23.0%
Baghdad Soft Drinks IBSD 4.200 6.6% 8.2%
Baghdad for Packing Mat. (NRM) IBPM 2.800 6.1% -44.0%
Top 5 Losers – Weekly
Company Names ISX Code Closing Price(IQD) Price Change (w/w) Price Chg. (YTD)
Al-Hamraa for Insurance (NRM) NHAM 1.000 -13.0% 5.3%
Gulf Insurance&Reinsurance NGIR 0.420 -12.5% 44.8%
Babylon Bank (UCM) BBAY 0.070 -12.5% -12.5%
Kurdistan Int. Islamic Bank BKUI 0.760 -10.6% -10.6%
Mansour Hotel HMAN 37.500 -8.5% -5.9%
Top 5 Active by Weekly Trading Volume
Company Names ISX Code Trading Vol. (IQDmn)/d Trading Vol. ($’000)/d Share in Total Trad. Vol.(%)
Al-Mansour Bank BMNS 15,853.1 12,009.9 78.0%
National Bank of Iraq BNOI 1,032.9 782.5 5.1%
Bank of Baghdad BBOB 766.4 580.6 3.8%
Iraqi for Seed Production AISP 667.9 506.0 3.3%
Baghdad Soft Drinks IBSD 503.4 381.4 2.5%
Distribution of No. of Weekly Trades and Trading Vol. by Sectors
Sector No.of Trades/w Trading Vol. (IQD mn)/w Trading Vol. (‘000 $)/w Share in Total Trading Vol. (%)
Banking 1,296 18,107.6 13,717.9 89.1%
Agriculture 366 732.4 554.8 3.6%
Industry 406 635.3 481.3 3.1%
Telecom 250 414.4 313.9 2.0%
Services 268 291.5 220.8 1.4%
Hotels&Tourism 44 116.2 88.0 0.6%
Insurance 81 14.9 11.3 0.1%
Investment 0 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Grand Total 2,711 20,312.2 15,388.0 100.0%
Bonds Trading (First-issued Emaar Bonds)
Bond Class Code Opening Price Highest Price (IQD/bond) Lowest Price (IQD/bond) Closing (IQD/bond) Previous Closing Price (IQD/bond) No.of Trades (#/d) No. of Traded Bonds/d Trading Volume (IQD) Maturity Date Coupon Rate (%) Bond Yield (%)
1,000,000 CB30 984,000 984,000 984,000 984,000 5 5 4,920,000 Oct. 2027 8.0 8.1
Total             5 5 4,920,000

Iraq Stock Exchange

  • A cross transaction occurred on 11.4 bn shares of Al-Mansour Bank (BMNS) on Mar. 20, valued at IQD15.4 bn and corresponding to 4.6% of BMNS’s capital.
  • The first issuance of “Emaar bonds” was launched for trading starting Mar. 19, 2024, on the bond platform. The price change will be 5% according to the table received from the CBI. The bonds will trade from 10:00 am till 1:00 pm. Accordingly, on Tuesday, the trade occurred on 5 of the 1,000,000 category bonds (8% coupon rate, maturity: 4 years) at an amount of IQD4.9 mn, and with a yield of 8.1%. Please go to Table (2.3) for the details.
  • Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance (NGIR) fulfilled ISX’s request to explain why the prices touched the higher limit on Mar. 11 and Mar. 12. The company disclosed that there were no fundamental events or new matters that affected the price of the shares.
  • National Household Furniture Industry (IHFI) invited its shareholders to subscribe to 1.66 bn shares starting Mar. 18 from the capital increase to IQD3.32 bn through a 100% rights issue. The subscription period is no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days.

Stocks that were suspended / will be suspended from trading:

  • ISX will suspend trading of National Bank of Iraq (BNOI) starting Apr. 3 due to the AGM that will be held on Apr. 8 to discuss and approve 2023 annual financial statements, increasing the paid-in capital from IQD300.0 bn to IQD400.0 bn through 33% bonus issue, dividend distribution, and the opening of 7 branches during 2024.
  • ISX suspended trading of Iraq Baghdad for General Transport (SBPT) starting Mar. 20 due to the AGM that will be held on Mar. 26 to discuss and approve 2022 annual financial statements, dividend distribution, increasing the paid-in capital from IQD1.3 bn to IQD2.0 bn through 54% bonus issue, and electing new board members.